KBJsikring.dk tilbyder hjælp til montering og generel rådgivning af DNA udstyr.
SelectaDNA Business Kit 500 Labels Contains:
5 pieces. 26 ml. bottles containing SELECTADNA UV tracer, microdots and unique secure DNA code in water-based adhesive
500 pcs. round safety marks. In sizes 17 mm., 22 mm. and 28 mm. (can not be removed without cracking into tiny pieces)
6 sheets with 2 pcs. double-sided window safety marks. Size 7 cm. x 9.5 cm.
14 pcs. door safety marks. Size 7 cm. x 9.5 cm.
2 pcs. hard plastic outdoor safety signs w / 2 screw holes. Size 7 cm. x 9.5 cm.
2 pcs. hard plastic outdoor safety signs w / 2 screw holes. Size 7 cm. x 9.5 cm.
5 pieces. green swabs for applying the liquid.
1 piece. registration and user guidesRegistration in the international register (database) for as long as desired.
500 registration places in the database.
Varenummer (SKU): 19603
Kategorier: Virksomheder, Entreprenør/Håndværkere, Metaller & Kabler